Devis en ligne

Please fill in this information sheet as fully as possible. It will help us determine which stirrer is best for your needs. Thank you for your collaboration.

1/11 - Stirrer function
2/11 - Position in the vessel
3/11 - Materials in contact with the liquid or its vapours
4/11 - Polishing
5/11 - Products for stirring
Max. viscosity (centipoises)
Special characteristics
For the end product:
Mixing temperature (
Internal pressure in the vessel (absolute Bar):
6/11 - Information about the vessel
Stirrer fixing
7/11 - ATEX environment:
8/11 - Motor
9/11 - Shaftway sealing:
10/11 - Comments

Emphasize constraints such as for example: ceiling height, stirrer fixing method, vessel rigidity and resistance, maximum peripheral speed of blades, internal obstacles (labyrinth seals, coils, plungers, etc), manhole for passing elements through, etc.

11/11 - Your details
* Mandatory fields

(Choose a reference that will allow us to track your file)