Services : Expertise

The expertise developed by AGITEC® over the past 25 years extends from the workshop and the R&D offices to the business managers.
We respond to every need and every request, on our own premises or directly at the customer’s by deploying our technicians and engineers.

AGITEC® has a department dedicated to major stirring projects, and also a research and development maintenance engineering department dedicated to industrial technical maintenance contracts.
All our resources are focused on the safety of our employees, subcontractors and the installations on which we work. This quality is proof of reliability of our operation and our expertise, meaning we can now guarantee all our new stirrers for 2 years.

With the benefit of this experience, our technical/IT skills and our complete mastery of our dimensioning software, we can easily test, validate and optimize the pre- and post-manufacturing productivity of the stirrers supplied.

Areas of expertise:
     - Hydraulics
     - Mechanics
     - Technology
     - IT
     - Engineering
     - Supervision
     - Electromechanics
     - Research & Development


AGITEC is on the move in every sauce !
A machine specially designed for mixing salad dressings.
New optimised mobiles for industrial mixers reduce energy consumption
New optimised mobiles for industrial mixers reduce energy consumption.
AGITEC takes care of your energy costs
Development of a new Low Energy Consumption range.